Your contributions make a difference! Donate to our cause and help combat human trafficking in Harris County.
Knowledge is power. Explore our educational resources to better understand the issue and its impact on our community.
Get involved and make a positive impact by volunteering your time and skills. Join us in the fight for freedom!
The West End Church in the Heights proudly presents the 5th annual "Fight for Freedom Collaborative".
This free community event unites local survivors, organizations, and advocates to raise awareness and provide resources on key issues such as human trafficking prevention and education, survivor care, child safety, and domestic/sexual assault, offering valuable support throughout Harris County. This event is open to the public and aims to empower attendees with knowledge and opportunities for engagement.
Join us to listen to inspirational leaders within the anti-human trafficking movement, connect with numerous organizations actively working in Harris County, and witness firsthand the positive impact they are making in our community. Each organization will host an information booth, offering valuable insights and opportunities for volunteering or donating to support their cause.
Additionally, our event will feature a captivating keynote speaker and a secondary speaker who will provide valuable educational insights. They will also shed light on the ongoing efforts in Harris County and how our community can actively contribute to becoming a part of the solution. Don't miss this opportunity to join the fight for freedom and make a difference in our community.
1:50pm - Introduction of collaborative groups
2:20pm - Keynote speaker
3:50pm - Q&A
4:00-4:30pm - One on one engagement with community partners
Courtney Litvak
Courtney Litvak is a Survivor Leader
Courtney Litvak is a Survivor Leader, No Trafficking Zone Director of Survivor Initiatives, and recently completed her service as an Honorable Member of the U.S Advisory Council on Human Trafficking, in April, 2020-2023.
During her term she and fellow Honorables provided recommendations to the (PITF) to improve federal anti-trafficking policies. Other duties included consulting to the U.S. government, specifically the (SPOG) to strengthen survivor-led federal policy and programming efforts in the anti-trafficking field.
All members of the Council were tasked with producing and publishing an Annual Report that contained the findings derived from reviews conducted of federal government policy and programs.
As a subject matter expert, consultant, Director, and passionate advocate, Ms. Litvak also serves within the Survivor Consultant Network for the Department of Homeland Security, Blue Campaign.
In 2021 she joined Houston-based No Trafficking Zone (NTZ) where she serves as Director of Survivor Initiatives. Part of their work includes victim advocacy and collaborating with the HCSheriff’s Office and other NGOs and survivors across the nation.
Being a survivor herself as she was exploited and trafficked at her own high school, Ms. Litvak and the NTZ team and wonderful allies help to develop and pass legislation to protect youth and students in every school district in Texas and across the country. Ms. Litvak has testified at the Texas Capitol, and No Trafficking Zone with the the grace of God, and other leaders passed SB-1831 in 2021 and HB-3553 and HB-3554 in 2023.